A relative newcomer to the cosplay photography scene, Scott began shooting cosplay photography earlier this year at the Anime Revolution winter event, but his very well-thought-out scenes and dynamic style really caught our eye and made us want to see more. Scott explains that the kind of emotion he likes to capture when taking a photo entirely depends on the character.
"At times I shoot full body so I can show the detail the cosplayer has put so much work into. Other times I shoot in story mode so the audience will be drawn into the scene. Also, male cosplayers require different editing techniques than female cosplayers which allow the various characteristics of the character being portrayed to come to life, for example values like clarity which depict how 'tough' a male character is, or how 'beautiful' a female character is."Perhaps it's his love for Summer Wars that has influenced the dynamic style which he shoots? In any case, here's a small taste of his work at Anime Evolution 2015!
AllieCat Art & Cosplay
Lieutenant Allison Jakes - WARMACHINE

Itoko Cosplay & Merinoe
Lelouch vi Britannia & Nunnally vi Britannia - Code Geass

Miyuki Cosplay
Minami Kotori - Love Live!

Sea Of Rabbitz & Drunken Minor Cosplay & T.K Fire
Jolteon - Pokémon

如月 Kisaragi Cosplay
Gasai Yuno - Mirai Nikki

We would like to thank Scott Tsai for working with us to feature these five brilliant cosplayers as well as all the work they put into their costumes. We'd also like to of course thank the cosplayers themselves for allowing us to feature their work on SUTORAIKUanime. To see more of Scott's work, please visit Scott Tsai Studio.