Alas, our staff are still alive and were not taken away by aliens, and I'm not quite sure what cosmic chickens even are. In any case, as with most non-profit independently run online communities, life often takes its toll on past times such as this, which rendered myself and our staff unable to continue updating this page.
Furthermore, given that we built our site around Google's Blogger platform, we have received several DMCA takedown notices, the same ones that have been plaguing the Blogger aniblogosphere as of late, which automatically takes down any posts that web crawlers deem as copyright material, the majority being screenshots used for episodic anime reviews.
Lately the DMCA takedown notices have been getting a little out of hand, more than I would like to handle, and for that reason I have decided to let SUTORAIKUanime go on hiatus for an indefinite period of time, until myself and my staff are able to restrategize and ultimately relaunch SUTORAIKUanime to reflect where we'd like to take the site from this point on.

Changes to the way we operate will include but are not limited to:
- - A focus on local anime events, specifically conventions, cosplay photoshoots and other community-based events
- - Removal of all anime reviews and the discontinuation of the review feature
- - Removal of all news features and the discontinuation of the news feature
- - Advertising will be limited to local entities only to promote the Northwest anime scene
- - A renewed focus on exclusive content such as interviews and concerts
- - Reaching out into the local community to search for talented individuals to join our team
Of course, these changes are not a one-day fix, and we are not expecting these changes to be fully implemented until the direction we want to take in regards to these changes is decided on.
In the meantime, we ask that our readers and followers show patience and trust in our abilities to make SUTORAIKUanime
UPDATE 16/06/2015
After a good year and few months after we initially went into hibernation, there are finally some signs of life, albeit minor ones. Quite a lot has changed over the past year and most of it is good news.
The design of the website is constantly evolving, as it has always been. Since SUTORAIKUv3 is still in beta, expect to see more refinements coming within the next few months, with the first revisions already complete.
We are still gradually piecing together all of our restructuring plans and seeing what our goals are and how we can achieve them. Ultimately, we want to provide as best of an experience as we possibly can as far as content goes, so slowly but surely we'll be ready to jump back in the game.
As always, we are welcome to any help we can get, as well as actively seeking for enthusiastic and talented individuals to join our team to grow our community. If you've been wanting to be part of our staff, now is the time to join!
Until next time,